Tuesday 8 December 2009

One Doner Kebab Please....


Kepada Penggemar DONER KEBAB...Moga dalam sihat sejahtera kehendaknya.... Nak dijadikan cerita berkenaan DOner di bumi Harta AWAM ini,

Doner kebabs sold in the UK contain "shocking" levels of salt, fat and calories, a survey has concluded.

Among the kebabs sampled - without salad or sauces - the average doner contained 98% of an adult's recommended daily salt and 148% of their daily saturated fat allowance.

Researchers uncovered significant regional variations, with the average kebab in the north-west of England containing 1,101 calories, compared with 1,084 in Scotland, 1,055 in Wales and 1,066 in England's south-east.

Here is the most shocking findings. Six kebabs were found to include pork when it had not been declared as an ingredient. Two of the six were described as Halal - food or drink permitted for Muslims, which must not contain pork.

So to the DOnERian, think before u eat..

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